
No. Group (Arabic) Group (English) Species (English) Species (Latin) Species (Arabic) IUCN Conservation status Oman Record Status Oman Occurring Status
1 الدرسات Buntings Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola دُرْسَةٌ صَدْرَاءُ/درسة صفراء الصدر Critically endengered (CR) Rare Rare passage migrant
2 الجوارح Raptors Ruppell's Vulture Gyps rueppellii نَسْرٌ رُوبِّلِيٌّ/نسر روبل (النسر المرقط) Critically endengered (CR) Not evaluated Not evaluated
3 الخواضات waders Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius قَطْقَاطٌ تَجَمُّعِيٌّ/قطقاط إجتماعي Critically endengered (CR) Uncommon Uncommon passage migrant & winter visitor
4 الخواضات waders Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris نَهْقَةٌ دَقِيقَةُ مِنْقَار/كروان ماء نحيف المنقار/كروان الماء رفيع المنقار Critically endengered (CR) Vagrant Vagrant
5 الدرسات Buntings Yellow-breasted Bunting Emberiza aureola دُرْسَةٌ صَدْرَاءُ/درسة صفراء الصدر Critically endengered (CR) Rare Rare passage migrant
6 الجوارح Raptors Ruppell's Vulture Gyps rueppellii نَسْرٌ رُوبِّلِيٌّ/نسر روبل (النسر المرقط) Critically endengered (CR) Not evaluated Not evaluated
7 الخواضات waders Sociable Lapwing Vanellus gregarius قَطْقَاطٌ تَجَمُّعِيٌّ/قطقاط إجتماعي Critically endengered (CR) Uncommon Uncommon passage migrant & winter visitor
8 الخواضات waders Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris نَهْقَةٌ دَقِيقَةُ مِنْقَار/كروان ماء نحيف المنقار/كروان الماء رفيع المنقار Critically endengered (CR) Vagrant Vagrant

Birds' species occurrence status, 2019

Record Scale Record status Count of Record status
Not evaluated Not evaluated 57
0 Extinct 1
(1-9) Vagrant 178
(10-99) Rare 72
(100-199) Uncommon 64
(200-999) Fairly Common 78
(1000-1999) Common 88
(≥ 2000) Abundant 88
Total   626

The + for the Birds' species, 2019

IUCN Status Records (2019)
Extinct (EX) 1
Extinct in the Wild (EW) 0
Critically endangered (CR) 4
Endangered (EN) 9
Vulnerable (VU) 18
Near threatened (NT) 33
Least concern (LC) 538
Data deficient (DD) 1
Not evaluated (NE) 22
Total 626

Birds' populations' trend categories status, 2019

Population Trends Number of Species
Increasing 133
Decreasing 73
Stable 163
Unknown 5
Vagrant Birds not evaluated -

Number of birds species populations

Number of birds species populations Years
372 1980
463 2000
482 2003
513 2013
626 2019